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Build KOL Pulse Reports

Monitor and Share Key Opinion Leader Sentiment Reports from Twitter Activities

Curate KOL Profiles

Professional Users can curate web content and Tweets to build insights on KOL Profiles

Build KOL Lists

With Social Media or OpenPayments Intel, Build and Share Lists of KOLs

Store Your Bookmarked Tweets

Use the Chrome Extension or X Bookmarked Import tool to organize and store your Bookmarked content from X.
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Create a Leaderboard of KOLs by Meeting or Topic
Identify Social Relationships from Selfies
Filter Tweets by Clinical Trial or other Tags
Interact with Chat GPT for KOL insights, sentiment,  blog publishing, tweet summaries, etc.
Quick Access to most relevant KOL profile content.
Build the Social Graph on Important KOLs
Understand the Social Graph of Important Tweets
Build Interactive Lists of KOLs based on Market Segmentation, Medical Meeting Activities, or Topic Insights
Identify KOLs through Pharma Financial Relationships
Share Your KOL Lists with your team or clients
Use the X Account integration to import your bookmarks and store them to a tag
Bookmark Tweets and Web Content with the KOL Pulse Chrome Extension

AI Driven Insights

Develop KOL Pulse Reports with Open AI

Get AI to work for you! Once you've curated the content from X. Use OpenAI to gain additional insights from your data. From here you can extract key summaries, sentiment analysis, and key opinion leader rankings though the Prompt Window. Develop a Social Media Summary report in minutes, or use AI to uncover key points from the vast data of a conference hashtag.

Digital Opinion Leader Insights

Curate Data to Key Opinion Leader Profiles

Key Opinion Leaders and the Modern Digital Opinion Leaders are changing medicine with their research, networking, and communication skills. With KOL Pulse, users can also tag content specifically to a KOLs profile page. From here you can filter based on specific medical conferences or clinical trials, filter based on most engaging tweets, or extract a stream of tweets to a CSV file for further analysis with another AI tool.  The KOL profiles also include key practice links, Linkedin, Doximity, and research links to support your KOL Research.  Also, use the OpenPayments integration of KOL Pulse to check key pharma and Med Device Industry relationships of the KOL

Create KOL Lists

Curate KOL Lists for Independent Research

Key Opinion Leaders where many hats. Some are plenary speakers at Medical Conferences. Others may be Board members of Major Medical Societies. Some KOLS may be members of multiple speaker bureaus for Pharma or Medical Device Companies. With the KOL Pulse Application, you can add KOLs to as many lists as you want.  You can publicly share lists to support the community, or create private lists to support your own research.  Professional users can share these lists with clients or team members, and also extract lists into CSV files for use with marketing, email, or other CRM Software,

Tweet Management

Organize Your Bookmarked Tweets

With KOL Pulse, users can finally store their bookmarked tweets to a platform design for healthcare. Users have the choice of bookmarking tweets using the KOL Pulse Chrome Extension, or simply importing their bookmarked tweets directly from X. The KOL Pulse Search tool is great for finding tweets in the future that you have saved to a Collection, or a KOL's profile.

More About KOL Pulse

How Do I Sign Up?

Just  join the KOL Pulse AI Beta Test. It's Free!

Can I get a demo?

Just Book a Demo here.

What are the Data Sources?

KOL Pulse uses Open AI and Open data to keep the costs down and deliver a powerful Intelligence tool to your team. Open Payments, Social Media, and the Open web are the primary sources of the KOL Pulse AI Sales Intelligence Tool.


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